In all walks of life, the moment we wake up from the comfort of our bed, may we always remember that God has given us this beautiful life, to live in this beautiful world, however unique or different we may all be from one another, with our own gifts and talents to share, we are all one and the same, an awesome creation of God.
Oh what greater joy in one's heart if in this life we may learn to share in God's goodness with others?
as the saying goes. If you live in godly ways, counting your blessings as you do your best in any good thing that you do, and in a positive way, learn to help others prosper their lives, I can see how you and your family may be blessed. There may be trials along the way but keep steadfast in your faith, like Job did (
), God will always be there ever faithful, uplifting your spirit, and in the power of His love and mercy, He will bless and help you prosper as you follow His ways, to love one another and to help enlighten what is true and love that lasts, for whatever is true in one's love lasts forever.
On the other hand, if we continue to follow what is selfish and evil in greed, envy and deceit, and with malice in our hearts, what profit will these have on our body and spirit?
Not all may believe me that eternal love is what is so true, where 'divine logic' may lead us too. God knows what is in our hearts, and keep on praying to change, and do things right and noble, .
Please to not get me wrong, I am here to enlighten, not to condemn or ridicule, for we are all sinners.
So far, in the company I am doing business with, has given me much freedom and ways to change for the better, in attitude and how to become free financially. Some take it longer, some that is before 1 year. What is important is you are doing things right for the clients' long term benefits.
Living in the flesh may see you tempted in many ways, but as we grow in spirit, you may see how you can be happier if you see others
I leave all these verses that may guide you in your search for truth, in this life and the next, for in reality, we do not own anything in this life, but, we are here to become stewards of God's love and blessings for our family, and for others who want to do things right.
You may email me
(email me at, please no email marketing), for any information related to doing this great business, and so far, I have yet to see a better business that helps you do things that way they should, where God may bless our ways primarily for the client, and later, be rewarded for holding on. With an open heart, will try to find time to help.
Doing this has given me
more freedom to spend time for God and for my family, and others too for food for the soul.
Since April of 2012, after doing taxes for the tax season, I have been busy inviting and helping train people, those opting to make extra income while helping make a difference in this world by doing business with us, using our partner company's
helpful financial products to face these hard uncertain times of economic recession, help them become income protected, financially independent and debt free, and how I have seen the importance of:
- Faith in Jesus, in prayer, being guided by the Holy Spirit, and in living in His words of love and truth - with due respect to all religions, I firmly believe that whether we like it or not, 'Jesus is in all of mankind, waiting to be revealed,' and He is beyond religion as He is beyond our minds, when 'through Him all things were made, and through Him, nothing was made that was made' (as in John 1:3); and I share in the belief as I share in the truth that a cross inside our body, in our DNA, (although for those with distrophy, it's a baby Jesus in their DNA, as shared by Wikipedia), as protein molecules that bind us together to form our body, as in 'laminin,' with this truth of my faith to share on e-book, and see how you may see 'God's kingdom in you,' - but please don't get me wrong, this business is for all religions, color, race and creed as you may believe whatever you may want to believe, and it's never a 'cult,' being truthful and honest in any business is what integrity in all about, and what 'true freedom' means;
- sharing in our blessings, our talents and in this truth while helping each other succeed in our goals, where the more you give, the more you are blessed in many ways;
- giving hope to those who suffer in these days' of economic crises and woes, and being under served financially;
- wanting to share in the goodness our partner company may bring and in our own modest way help achieve in part that goal towards nation building, helping grow the economy the right way and in other ways the majority in the industry may be hesitant to share keeping more families in debt and financially lost, with no definite suitable and viable plans for their finances where their approach to many things material is in disarray;
- wanting to be your own boss in an independent business you may call your own with the help of others in the base shop who have already found a niche in their own productive ways, and have become fruitful in their persevering efforts while helping make this world a better place to live in, through love, care and concern for the family, for US military service personnel, and for all others in need as well as best deemed qualified by the company (it was the first company to respond to the 9/11 terrorist attack victims' beneficiaries' claims despite President Bush declaring it an 'Act of War,' the company's way of paying forward seeing how many families needed to be helped most during the country's worst nightmare in its history with such an unprecedented devastating tragedy);
- being a better person from inside out, that you may become a living witness of true peace and joy in one's life.
We are all interconnected with each other, where the more we do things right together, the more we may see God's Spirit in us energizing us. Again, this is my faith, for things that one may not see, comes the most powerful things in this life, and it allows us to do what others may not do.
Anyone who may question the concern of any company agent or business associate why he wants to involve his family into using the company products he trust is questioning himself and his sincerity or his intentions in helping first his family with the right products they may benefit for the 'long term,' more than his concern for his pocket. Short term goals may come short term disasters for we fail to see what financial freedom is.
Take this for a thought,
"our life has a short span, but when we pass it on to our family, for generations to come, it becomes forever for it promotes what is true and right."
The long term benefit of any given product is foremost in a company who banners 'truthful' and 'noble' intentions to serve the client, not on what deceives the client on
short term flaws.
Will anyone who claims to love his family and his neighbors put his self-interest first, or that of his clients', be they family, friends or others?
The rippling effect of the way things are done spells the kind of culture we have accepted to teach and practice as we guide our children, and all these back fires if done wrong. As I have seen it wise, it is not in what others say it is, it is in what I found others say it way but our of bias, found them in deceit and in malice.
Nevertheless, I am opening my ears, for everybody is important to me, where love is.
Our responsibility to future generations is the kind of responsibility God has so bestowed on us when He created us by
feeling concerned and connected to each other that we may touch each other's lives in a positive way.
When we fail to do this, are we not the ones who suffer, the family and the rest of society suffers when we fail to see what is eternally true, in God's love, in our spirit, we may best understand this.
Any company is bound to fail in due time with a concept that puts its clientele in a bind instead of helping them with doing things right.
A company with a proven business concept that is unique in the service of its clients, with a proven track record, but, my love for others is in my love for God, and will not care to listen if given the time, and truth we shall share for in truth in the love of others can free us in many ways.
Get truthful feedback on true retirement income, be wary, it may not be presented as retirement income but it is eating on your investments as time pass.
Who suffers when clients have valid complaints? But, be wary, many complaints may come absurd not looking of long term way of being successful through learning not the easy way, but the right way of doing thing right.
Successful people reached their goals because they know that what they were doing was right and can benefit more people.
Your honest opinion and suggestions are much welcome in the commentary below that more may, perhaps, be enlightened as you may wish to share what is in your heart.
Will long term customer satisfaction,
given through independent and unbiased surveys as you may, perhaps, see them more truthful and honest, not be your better basis and option to know which company may be worthy of your support and trust with its noble goals and mission being to help people do things right for client, agent or associate?
I have seen many people, unfortunately, prefer to believe from hearsay or from review websites which have no means of filtering the many participants submitting their comments, where prejudice and biases come out to destroy image of a good company.
I have higher and greater respect for those who respect themselves, those who remain unperturbed by ridiculous and silly issues going on, knowing how insecurity and material motivation may drive many people to hurt other people
as a form of retaliation instead of being a part of that positive change to help heal the system, to help straighten the industry, to help strengthen a nation.
It can be
very disappointing and utterly disgusting to see people enjoying from the failures of others instead of being there to teach and enlighten others on how to do things right.
What benefit does gossips make if we know that gossips are done out of malice, out of selfishness and out of impure intentions? We should remember, evil breeds evil and malice, and it destroys our environment, communities and a nation.
Do not all these create long term disorder and chaos in society as a whole than what a strong nation may need to keep itself upright, while willing to change its ways towards a true and a more lasting economic development onto a better program for financial health and positive gains that may eventually lead to greater progress and prosperity?
How can every individual contribute to this goal?
Is it not rather,
primarily up to us to see the greater wisdom of allowing that positive change in us that we may become better persons, better individuals to start with, and judge not in exchange for material and selfish gains at the expense of others?
When we may decide,
include others who may benefit from our long term goals, for we are here to love and care for one another.
"Selfless efforts can produce greater long term results than efforts of malice and selfish intent. The more wrong things that we may do, it goes back to us."
Prayers help much as you may want to figure out along the way how a viable system can work for you and your team, as you may decide to do the right products suitable per clientele.
[Read on this link:
'What have I Done? Baby Boomers Reveal their Deepest Financial Regrets' and start figuring out how you may come out smarter in your financial planning strategies.]
Know more about this great company which shares this awesome business with me through this website of testimonials from those who have found success in the business,
and "where FREEDOM LIVES,"
The right person succeeds in the right ways.
In whatever I may do,
love of God first and of others, and all other blessings may come, as I may selflessly share in what talents he has given me, on hone it right.
People who succeed are usually people who are independent minded and are self-motivated. They do not easily believe what they hear or see, they try to challenge their senses, their minds and most especially, their
spirit full of zest and energy to reach for their goals and never giving up for they believe in what they strive for and quitting is not an option.
While one may live in the flesh, for me, I have found fulfillment while believing
"putting God as Master in all these must come 'first' for the love of Him and of others, this being eternal, and always, to seek doing good deeds, and what apportioned resources may allow, lending a helping hand to those in need, in the glory of God's name in Jesus."
This business has given me that rare and realistic chance to uplift many lives in ways, I feel, pleasing to Him who created us all, and yes, it may NOT be for everybody, as I have seen rejection from all over, but those were firm enough to share the truth in the industry, for those who open their hearts to the challenge with a listening ear while seceding from their ego and their foolish pride,' may soon see the
essence of their toil and sacrifice towards FREEDOM, willing to devote precious time to learn where learning is FREE.
Be wary of unfiltered review websites. The best way is to find
BBB (Better Business Review) rating of the company or reviews based on actual consumer confidence, not on those with dubious reviews from advertising compan(ies).
And with its
years of experience and expertise - 37 years since 1977 - be not enough? Has its efforts of sharing the many great products it now has, associating with trusted names in the industry while serving millions, yes, more than a multitude, based on the ideals of truth, justice and integrity, all these contributing much to making this great company where it is right now among the most reliable and most stable in the industry, voted 'numero uno' as the smartest choice by well served and greatly satisfied clients for the longest time, up to the middle of October 2014, given an overall 100% rating on a website to find the best among surveyed clients in the insurance industry (why the sudden lower smart rating on the site is a mystery but off hand - nothing to worry, the 'truth will these things free,' - the seemingly inconsistent 'overall green stars rating' vs. a surprisingly 'lowered' percentage rating among listed companies, some of which are not BBB listed, and the entry of an advertising company into its site (its main line being consumer surveys on cars, marketing and advertising, and on cash value driven life insurance, no wonder, vested interest paints a self-serving picture however one may hide it, but 'truth sets free and helps heal in many ways') reviews on the supposed unbiased and independent survey site makes one question the site's political motivation - will momentarily reserve our right not link to this site until the site developer may find ways to bring back its credibility with a more consistent presentation of its reviews), notwithstanding, a company given a high 4.9 of 5 customer experience rating (with most customers surveyed - again, the number ore respondents reduced from 334 to 114 in only about a couple of weeks?), the only company with the most number of user ratings with a more impressive 'green stars overall rating.' and why many of its licensed business associates have decided to dedicate their efforts to win in their love of God, family and of others,
where clients' interests come foremost - are all these not deserving of note where partnering business associates championing the company's supposed noble cause and purpose?
Well, nobody is perfect though, and honestly, this is where 'deception' lies. It is in the acceptance of what we do wrong, that we may grow. And everything is God's divine plan, we can only
help enlighten to what is true.
If you get in a business, make sure it will work for you and your family as
it benefits at best, your clients. The business and spiritual ethics may guide you more, for it is in 'divine wisdom' that we may see deception from within our souls, where spirit of truth tells us what is noble and what endures.
May we be guided by God's words in Philippians 2:3, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves." In everything, as said earlier, giving back to God is best, for without him, everything comes meaningless as we chase the wind, and remain blind of what is true in that great treasure that is in our hearts, onto God's heavenly Kingdom forever.
Many complaints would be filed against any company, but be careful on what to believe and what not to, for evil in darkness has many ways, many designs,
many times masked of its true intentions with malice and deceit for greed and the passion for lust and money that may never truly satisfy.
Praying for enlightenment every time, may see us guided as we search for truth, and
"doing things right,' in your spirit be guided.
Listening with an open heart and soul, where money becomes 'not everything,' rather, truth and love is, then, you may say 'this is for me.'
Since my two NDE's (Near Death Experiences), I have decided to listen more to my spirit that connects to God, more than what my mind, which is of the flesh, may tell me - with all its negativity. I would rather prosper what is of God in helping others do things right, while we may live in the flesh, for it is the spirit that helps filter malice in the flesh, the spirit leading us, at best, to love of God and to love of others in Christ.
You may say, 'it may not be the company but your spirit to lead you to what is pleasing to the Lord.'
While I may agree, it is the Holy Spirit that guides us for God moves in mysterious ways, all according to God's plan, but I have yet to see a company with noble intentions as this company, where truthfulness in doing things right is being encouraged among many of its associates.
You do not have to agree with me, but I leave it up to the Holy Spirit to guide us towards what is true and pleasing for our family, for our community, for America and for the world, that in all things, God may be glorified.
[Read on related post:
What the Bible Says About Insurance and see how
using and setting aside hard earned money for the love and care of our family and of others may see us greatly blessed in this short temporal life]
True Success and Freedom in True Faith and Good Deeds (by edwinoel)
Some have honed their skills and talents well along the way,
and preferred to stay as they have from their failures made tougher and stronger,
and what wisdom there is in accepting defeat with dignity, a priceless smile in place,
that by being humbled, one ends up winning in learning, earnestly yearning
as he relentlessly picks himself up, ever confident from every fumble,
never butting an eyelash to move forward, always polite, respectful and thankful,
ever acknowledging 'there could have been a better way,' never hateful.
In winning ways with cleansing fine-tuning moments comes the brighter way,
preparing for his next return, he refuses to give up, quitting is never the best way,
the more he fails the more he learns, 'better and renewed' in great many ways,
with rejections and objections comes his ready grin from chin to chin,
a welcome challenge to his battle strong spirit, winning answers, a closing smile,
never hesitating to help his team win the next level, towards the top mile after mile
the winning formula to true success however difficult one may take,
perfecting it never best achieved, but with a sincere heart everything flows easy to master,
and yes, it is in knowing and acknowledging who our true and great Master is,
Christ Jesus, 'who is the truth, the way the the life,' that makes this so,
will we find our path well lighted for 'through Him all things were made,'
He is behind us in every circumstance, defeat or success, thus be it so
a winner we may truly become, a true leader in the selfless service of all bar none
that they too may prosper in this life in the glory of our Almighty God and Father,
as we may allow ourselves to be molded like Him, where 'to serve' comes a 'true master,'
true, faithful, humble and 'coachable' servants and disciples in us, He may muster,
made accountable, ever blessed by His grace, our spiritually strong hearts make
healthier bodies and minds may come from what our peaceful and charitable souls make
freed from all forms of worldly stress, for in us we know our best talents we come to offer
our winning efforts made easier, a rewarding hobby, a ministry with God made busier,
our joy immense, seeing more families financially burdened set free made happier,
"With God all things are possible," in Him who trust and have great faith made merrier
and nothing but the best He deserves, in others, we are all made whole, full and greater.
Yet, in those who have given up hope, we pray, be enlightened, in Him life is brighter
that in one's faith, ever trusting in Jesus we learn to cope, for in Him comes hope,
for indeed, in God's love, mercy and grace do make haste to live and prosper His ways,
'God's kingdom come, God's will be done,' forever in glory, united in Christ we become.
FREE Website for Independent Reps - just to clarify for those who may not know:
While so much fuzz about a
$25 monthly website access and service fee for reps has come to fore, I am happy to tell you that the custom designed website is 'built FREE' for one's use, as the new reps' option, just start with 1 month FREE website access, and you have the chance to get a refund of your first month payment, before your first thirty days of use, where the new rep has to call to cancel, the upline is not allowed to call to cancel - started in July 2015 - as you may opt for a refund (please bear with me on succeeding updates, made after March 14, 2016).
But, you may need to pay $25 once you need your website updated.
May all concerned be enlightened, however, to what is true and not believe in everything what others and, perhaps, competitors or detractors may say to keep you from joining this great, truthful and noble business opportunity that has helped many families in North America and continue to do so becoming the largest in the industry:
- only those willing to take advantage of the special service may opt to pay monthly - it provides one his own personalized website complete with products and tools to help grow his business if he opts to use it fully, with needed product and news updates, testimonials, product features and more that saves much more time, effort and money serving as your back office and secretary on line; otherwise,
- as he may choose, he may opt for a lower priced package with some features taken out, and he loses that great opportunity to have his own working website on google search; although, he may opt to go get the better package anytime he may be ready to move to greater heights;
- or not pay at all, but can go back from service desk, once ready to resume your company apps and may go ahead with an updated google website.
It is
never a must in your business that this fee is to be charged as some may project it on their blogs for whatever purpose they may want to be known for. It is only for those who are ready to use the aforementioned special package, perhaps, for their continuing
FREE or greatly subsidized education online that they may see beneficial for them on top of saving them their hard earned money, being equipped with tools to help them easily become licensed agents in many ways financial, that this opportunity is offered -
looking at it positively, a very reasonable monthly cost at only $25 especially when you intend to prosper growing your team sharing this unique and effective business concept, where each one's success energizes and touches the other in a positive way, leaving pride, malice and ego behind. The benefits clearly outweigh the cost. If you believe in this movement, why not be challenged to see this tool work for you as your 'back office' and 'online secretary' while sharing with others this great opportunity, a unique business concept proven by thousands of self-motivated individuals that it works as it is greatly rewarding, on top of its true, honest and a noble ways toward freedom, encouraging many to live and believe in building their dreams as they may be willing to change their life, their values, their attitude in a positive way.
May we see the wisdom in sharing the light of Christ, where money or material things work for God, God being our true Master, not money enslaving or Mammon lording over us. And in the "Parable of the Talents," as in Matthew 25:14-30, may we be enlightened it is 'never a scam' to understand the powerful meaning of sharing our talents to the world in the love of others.
And as we may abide in Jesus and remain in Him, He may abide and remain in us as well, as in John 15:7.
We see the beauty of the world around us, but
may we never fall into the trap of being engulfed or devoured by the world and everything material in it for all these are never meant to last, otherwise, will we not become no less than an idolater?
give thanks to Him as we love, honor, respect all things and all creation as blessings from the Lord who made all things possible to keep us happy in this life, and
learn to give back to the Lord what is due Him, that in accepting His will upon us in our love and care of all His awesome creation, and never forgetting to 'share a tenth of everything to Him,' we may remain blessed.
Love God first, from Him comes all that is good, and learn to share in His goodness with others by sharing the gospel of Christ, where in God's words, 'idolatry' is a 'No no' for God, but to glorify him in truth and love is best, for all things come from him, sharing what we have been blessed with is noble, and so true in God's love, love that is eternal.
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Jesus is 'the light of truth and creation,' that 'we may not boast except boast in him,' he who blesses us in this life, whether we believe in this or not, it is the eternal truth of creation, anyone who believes in him, might live forever. |
As in 1 John 2:15-17 (source: NIV), Saint John exhorts us in Jesus as he writes, "Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father but is from the world. The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever."